产品名称:霍尼韦尔Honeywell(巴固)4111831 AIRPLUME 避火隔热服
·整体产品包括: 五指手套及防护靴,重量小于9公斤
·Five layers one-piece steam-proof fire protective clothing designed for fire approaching in environment up to 1000OC, not suitable to enter or cross a fire
·Two-pieces full body protective suit made of aluminized fabric based on Aramidic fiber
·Inner safety helmet with a panoramic visor made of gold-coated and replaceable glass included in the hood
·Equipped with an inside back pocket for SCBA, the use of which is highly recommended
·Hood, gloves and shoes included
·Total weight less than: 9 kg
订货号 Ref:4111831
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只要您致电上海畅为,我们将以优惠的价格为您提供适合的霍尼韦尔Honeywell(巴固)4111831 AIRPLUME 避火隔热服 产品!您成功下单后,在为您提供霍尼韦尔Honeywell(巴固)4111831 AIRPLUME 避火隔热服产品的同时,上海畅为将为您提供消防避火隔热服等相关产品技术支持和售后服务,请您放心购买!